Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Miguel and the Railroad

While thinking about everything that has been happening in the lives of the characters, why is the railroad job so important to Miguel?


  1. Because he has always wanted to be part of the railroad since he was little . Joauhne berry from Dickinson Academy


  2. I think maybe because he didn't have a job and so he finally made one ( Which is Miguel working on a Railroad and he was trying to get the job done because he was poor. And so i bet (he probably got the job done in One day) And i think he may be made the job up or someone asked him to help or maybe even do it by himself….
    Stocking Elementary

  3. Why the railroad job so important to Miguel is that he is trying to get money to help Mama. Also he used to work at the farm but now he couldn't so he had to work at the railroad because everybody is poor now. Stocking Elementary School

  4. I think the railroad job is so important to Miguel because it is what Papa and Miguel would always talk about and now that he is dead it is most important to him. Another reason I think the railroad job is so important to him is because he is an servant and wants to earn more money for his family so they could get a better life.
    Stocking Elementary

  5. And he was a railroad worker since he was a little kid..


  6. The Railroad track is important to Miguel because mama is sick and they need more money for medicine. Also Miguel has always wanted to work at the railroad track it’s his dream. Plus papa promised him he would help him get that job.

    Stocking Elementary School

  7. Migal what's to work on the railroad tracks. Because that is his dream job of being a railroad track.And he wants to get money for his family also to get food for Mama. But it will be dangerous.

  8. The railroad job is so important to Miguel because it has been his dream job since he was a little boy. Its also important to everyone else because it could make a lot money so they could pay Mama’s hospital bills. They could also get a ticket for Abuelita so she could come to the United States and be with Mama and Esperanza.

    Stocking Elementary

  9. Miguel wants this railroad job so badly because it's been his dream to work on the railroad as a kid and to engineer the trains. He also would probably get more money from the railroad and will probably use some of it for Mamma he could also potentially give some of the money to Esperanza for Abuelita.
    Stoking Elementary

  10. The railroad job is important to Miguel because he always wanted to work on the railroad as a little kid. Also, Papa promised Miguel that he will get him a job when he was in Aguascalientes (When Papa was alive). Another reason why the railroad job is important to Miguel is that he does not need una palanca to get a job as a railroad worker.
    Stocking Elementary


  11. The reason the railroad job is so important to Miguel is because he has been dreaming of working on the railroad since him and Esperanza were little. The only reason Miguel got the job is because of the strikers no one was working because they were on strike for better conditions and if no one is working there and someone asks for a job the have to give them a job because they need people to work for them.

    Stocking Elementary

  12. The railroad job is so important because Miguel needs money to help mama feel better so mama doesn't die. another reason that the railroad job is important because she needs to fix the house a little and help the campers strike.

    Stocking Elementary

  13. I think that the job Miguel has is really important to him because he needs to save for feeding his family and to protect they.
    Stocking Elementary

  14. The railroad job is important to Miguel because it is his dream to work their since he was a little boy. Miguel’s family was always poor, he believes he can get money for his family if he works at the railroad so they can have a better life. He can also pay some of Mama hospital bills if he chooses to.
    Stocking Elementary

  15. The railroad job is so important to Miguel because when he was younger he liked trains.
    So that encouraged him to fix or help make the railroads better for the train. The job that he has is a machine shop at the railroad. But I don’t know what the person at the machine shop? Do they make parts for the railroad. Enough of that, more reasons Miguel wants to work there because he really likes trains and railroads have something to do with trains. But the only reason he got the job is because some of the railroad workers went striking. Also one time when Esperanza and Miguel were younger Papa took them on a train ride.
    Stocking Elementary

  16. I think Miguel feels that the job is very important because of everything they’re going threw the job would really help them. Abuelita would be able to get down there because they would have more money to get her down here to help Mama, feel better because Esperanza thinks Mama, would feel really better with abuelita there. Also Miguel job would be very important so that they could bring more food in. And be more healthier and not look like a person living under a bridge.

    Stocking Elementary

  17. Railroad job is so important to Miguel because railroad job is was his dream. Another reason of Railroad job is important to Miguel is since he was a little he always want to be part of Railroad works.

    Stocking Elementary

  18. Miguel’s railroad job is so important to him because this is what he wanted since he was a boy. He has been talking about it a lot and now his dream has come true. When Papa was alive, Miguel said that one day, he will work on the railroad. I guess that by Miguel working on the railroad, he will have enough money for Esperanza to get Abuelita to where they are.

    Stocking Elementary

    1. I agree with you because that was Miguel's big dream since he was a little boy ,and when Papa was alive.And probably help Esperanza get Abuelita with Mama because she got sick.


  19. I think because he wanted to earn the money back that he stole from esperanza. from dickinson Elementary

    1. First of all that didn't even happen yet.And you just ruined it for all those fans that wasn't there at that page.


  20. I think that the railroad job is important because they need money and I just think he always wanted that job every sense he was little. Also I think that he’s going to split the money with everyone in the house and especial Esperanza because Mamma is in the hospital.

    Stocking Elementary

    1. I agree with you because Miguel said he was going to get a job at the rail roads.


    2. I agree with you because they have to get money.

  21. The railroad job was a dream to Miguel.Also he learned a lot and waited to find a job to get money.Also think that because of the strikers wanted them to stop working so the camp joins the strikers.


  22. I think the rail road job is important to Miguel because it was his dream to work in rail roads ,and before papa died he wanted to work on rail roads and maybe get Abuelita and Esperanza together.


  23. It is important because that was his dream to work at the railroad .They also need money and that would help them.

  24. I think the job is important to Miguel because he wanted to work there since he was a little boy.

  25. I agree with you because he should share what he earned.

  26. I think the railroad job is important to Miguel because Miguel was always talking about how he wanted a job at the railroad. Amy Sherwood Mrs.Thayer

  27. It is important to Miguel to work on the rail road because that was his dream as a kid and he needed money to help Esperanza's family because Esperanza's mom was in the hospital and they need to pay the bills.

  28. I think it is important to Miguel because He always wanted to work in the rail road and Papa promised him that he would get a job for him. I am Jose from Dickinson Academy.

  29. The job is so important cause when he was small he wanted to work and the railroad i am Daniel from Dickinson academey

  30. The job is so important cause when he was small he wanted to work and the railroad i am Daniel from Dickinson academey

  31. It is important to Miguel to work on the railroad because him and his parents are poor and Miguel really needs the money

  32. It is important to Miguel because he needs the money.

    I am Lesly from Dickinson academy

  33. Miguel job as a railroad is so important to him is because papa help Miguel with he dream and back in Mexico you needed something to work and in the united state you don't need it to work at the railroad

  34. It is so important to Miguel because in mexico you needed a palanca to work in the railroad and in united states of america you don't need a palanca.

  35. me and esperanza loss a dad we hope get over our loss at least we both still have our moms and our sisters.we have to take out the trash and take care of our mom and sister.all the things we do for our familys gives them hope for the future.
